Sunday, January 6, 2013

V is from Victory and from Visa

This is the only stock of a big company that I own that has doubled. And I sold one third of the position. I bought Visa (V) at around $75 some 2 years ago and sold it for $150.

Sometime ago I read how British Airways was charging extra for the airfare paid using credit cards.
So I reasoned "If everyone is going to charge extra for using a credit card, people will start avoiding using them and here it goes another investment of mine." (Warren Buffett has American Express, I decided to go Visa).

I was very tempted to sell it but due to my procrastination I didn’t do anything and Visa went up from $75 to $125.

But another recent piece of information made me think again (I think a lot, I do little).

Rogers has applied for a banking licence to become a credit-card issuer. If granted, Rogers could eventually get transaction fees on payments if its own credit-card credentials are stored in a customer’s mobile wallet.
CIBC will pay Rogers an undisclosed sum to store credit card information for Visa and MasterCard on Rogers phones, which can then be used to make payments in stores by emitting a signal to a special receiver at checkouts. Rogers will charge CIBC for space on its SIM cards, which are the tiny chips inside wireless phones that give them their identity.

So who would need Visa and MasterCard and all the other credit cards as almost everyone has a smartphone?
Time to sell or as usual I won't do anything?

Again I did not do anything and the share closed on Friday Jan 4, 2013 at $156.77.
And another 'hot' story on Sunday January 6, 2013.

Your morning latte may be getting more expensive. No, the coffee shop isn't raising their prices, but they may start charging you an extra fee if you plan on paying with your credit card .
It's just the latest tactic allowed by retailers who don't appreciate $1 purchases paid for with Visa and MasterCard. Back in 2010, Congress gave businesses its blessing to impose $10 minimums for credit card transactions. Now, a class action lawsuit is going a step further and saying merchants can pass along 'swipe fees' to their customers.
Will retailers start charging for the privilege of paying with plastic? 

So I should have sold half of Visa not only one third as per my 'strategy' to sell half of any stock that doubles and do not care what happens with the other half.

The moral of the story:
"It is scary that a stock I had all the logical reasons to sell has doubled in value. This is a game I cannot win and my only hope now is not to lose."

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